
PLMJ, the German-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and the British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce organise a workshop on “the Troika, the agreement on social dialogue and the change in labour law”

PLMJ partners Manuel Cavaleiro Brandão and Jose Ricardo Gonçalves, together with PLMJ associate Joana Brandão are guest speakers at the workshop on "the Troika, the agreement on social dialogue and the change in employment legislation" which is organised by PLMJ, the German-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and the British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce. The debate takes place on 2 February at 15:45 at the offices of the German-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce in Oporto. The workshop will address the tripartite agreement reached in the social dialogue between the Portuguese government, the Portuguese general workers union (the UGT) and the Portuguese employers organisations which resulted in many of the changes to employment legislation that were included in the agreement signed with the Troika.


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