
PLMJ Arbitration in the GAR 100 and on the shortlist for best Mediterranean and North Africa arbitration practice in the Global Arbitration Review ranking


The PLMJ Arbitration team has been recognised by the Global Arbitration Review (GAR) for the fourth year in a row, with its inclusion in the GAR 100, a list of the world’s leading arbitration practices. PLMJ Arbitration has also been selected for the shortlist of the 10 best arbitration teams in the Mediterranean and North African region.

For Pedro Metello Nápoles, the co-head of PLMJ Arbitration, "this recognition is due to PLMJ’s consistent focus on the area of arbitration and to putting together a team of arbitration specialists of six nationalities, who are fluent in five languages, have doctorates and masters, and extensive, consolidated experience as both lawyers and arbitrators".

The GAR’s findings are based on the year of 2016, a year in which PLMJ Arbitration grew by more than 50% in terms of billing and achieved a number of mandates for international arbitrations, some of which bear no relation to Portugal.

The GAR has also launched its ART (Arbitrator Research Tool), a pioneering service to search for and identify the best international arbitrators. This tool will allow its users to have access to information on the experience, specialisation and procedural profile of the arbitrators appearing on its list. PLMJ partner José Miguel Júdice has been selected to join the first 40 arbitrators listed in GAR ART, where he joins leading figures from the global arbitration community. In his words, "this choice only reflects the growing visibility of Portuguese arbitrators and of the common language on the international level. For this reason, it is a stimulus to progress in arbitration practice in the Portuguese-speaking world".

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