
PLMJ and the American Chamber of Commerce in Portugal organise session on “Investment, State and Arbitration: the Bermuda Triangle?”


In partnership with the American Chamber Of Commerce in Portugal, PLMJ has organised a session on “Investment, State and Arbitration: the Bermuda Triangle?”. This business breakfast will take place in the PLMJ Auditorium on 22 June between 9h30 - 11h00. The speakers will be José-Miguel Júdice, the partner who heads PLMJ Arbitration, Tiago Duarte, a partner from PLMJ's public law and arbitration practices, Pacôme Ziegler, a senior associate from PLMJ Arbitration and Gonçalo Almeida Ribeiro, of counsel from PLMJ Arbitration.

The aim of this meeting is to demonstrate how arbitration is an advantageous way of resolving disputes arising from international investments that involve States. It will emphasise the need for the question of arbitration to be addressed with care from the outset, as an integral part of planning the investment, rather than just as a dispute resolution issue.


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