Informative Note

Rent updating coefficient to apply in 2022

Under article 24 of Law 6/2006 of 27 February, which approved the New Urban Renting Rules (NRAU), and article 11(5) of Decree-Law 294/2009 of 13 October, which approved the New Rural Renting Rules (NRAR), the National Statistics Institute is responsible for calculating the annual rent update coefficient applicable to urban and rural leases. This coefficient must then be published in a notice appearing in the official gazette, Diário da República, no later than 30 October of each year.
On 23 September 2021, Notice no. 17989/2021 was published in Diário da República (Series II) and it establishes that the annual rent updating coefficient for the different types of urban and rural leases to apply in the calendar year of 2022 will be 1.0043.
This Notice reflects the current economic recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic, as the updating coefficient for 2021 was below 1 (0.9997), which resulted in a decreasing rents if actually applied. For 2022, a coefficient above 1 has now been established and its application will allow an increase in rents, although not a significant one.


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