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We are looking for people who aim to go further and face the future with confidence.
PLMJ founding partner José Miguel Júdice, from PLMJ Arbitration and Tiago Duarte, a partner from PLMJ Arbitration and PLMJ Public Law, will both speak at the International Conference on Arbitration and Investment Protection, which will take place on 4 October at 9.00, in Auditorium 3 of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
The topics addressed by the PLMJ partners will respectively be "Portugal as a hub for international arbitration" and "Treaty Planning and Treaty Shopping: Where is the dividing line between what is permitted and what is not in arbitration of investment?"
This conference is organised by the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Portuguese Arbitration Association and comes in the wake of the signature of an international agreement between Portugal and the PCA - Permanent Court of Arbitration. The agreement makes it possible to carry out arbitrations administered by the PDA with their seat in Portugal.
Download the PDF to see the programme.