Informative Note

Auction of Guarantees of Origin


On 6 July 2021, the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) published the Invitation relating to the 1st Auction of Guarantees of Origin (GO)1 , which will take place on 28 July 2021 at 10.30 am. This auction will be held on the OMIP platform, which is accessible through the use of a user name and password.

The GOs subject to this 1st Auction were submitted to the DGEG by renewable energy producers benefiting from production or investment support, in compliance with the obligation in article 9(9) of Decree-Law 141/2010 of 31 December, as amended by Decree-Law 60/2020 of 17 August, which established the mechanism for issuing guarantees of origin for electricity from renewable energy sources.


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